Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ugh is back.  though really, i might as well just stick with "him."

he started texting me again a couple weeks ago.  i didn't see that coming.  then we hung out over the weekend.  and it was really nice.  and awesome.  and like it used to be, but better.

and then it got weird.  he wants to get back together?  wtf?  i tried to explain to him why we're incompatible.  and told him that if it hasn't worked for the past three years, it won't work now.  he just insisted it would.

we moved onto other topics afterward and everything was fine after that.

but then someone did a tarot card reading for him and i which told me all sorts of scary things.  mainly that we really are going to end up getting back together.

and now i'm freaked out.

i haven't heard from him yet, which is good.  maybe i won't ever.  that might be easier.

but really, if he doesn't get a hold of me soon i'm going to end up texting him because i am a glutton for punishment.  and really, i enjoy the confusion.

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